This web application is a project developed by Clemson Students in the class “Software Development Methodology” in 2022. The project consists of a web application developed in Asp.Net Core 6 MVC in which the user will have the opportunity to learn or improve their coloring skills. This project offers different options to the user, from a daily random painting to a specific picture from the catalog in the app. It is required to register with an email account to access all data and compete against other people worldwide. The site provides a graph showing the top ten scoring users. The scoring will depend on the time the user takes to finish the coloring task and the complexity of the drawing.

GitHub Project URL


1) Login or Register at the top right of the page.

2) After you login goto "My Images".

3) Hit "Create New".

4) Name your image and select an image from your files.

5) Hit "Create".

6) Now Hit "Generate the Painting image" [Painting is misspelled] and then hit "Save Image".

7) Hit "Go to Painting Image".

8) Now you can Paint! Click on the above buttons to change the color of the fill. It starts off as gray by default).